Donovan Torrent
View All Ray Donovan News. About Tomatometer. A series gets an Average Tomatometer when at least 50 percent of its seasons have a score. The Average Tomatometer is the sum of all season scores. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
This is a collection of Donovan's albums from 1965 to 1976. These include 13 studio albums, 1 live album, and 1 compilation. I wanted to make a decent Donovan Discography, but I didn't have all of his other albums on hand, and some are pretty hard to get at a decent price (especially 'Live In Japan: Spring Tour '73'), so sorry for not being an entire discography. Download Donovan - Discography. Any studio albums after Beat Cafe aren't to be found in a lossless format. Torrent: Donovan - Discography (1965-2015).
Lá pela metade dos anos 60 aquele rapaz com ares de duende foi apresentado como uma resposta britânica ao fenômeno Bob Dylan. Ao que parece, ele nunca levou a sério essa ingênua jogada de marketing nem Dylan jamais se mostrou preocupado com eventuais concorrências. O fato é que Donovan Philips Leitch, ou apenas Donovan, tinha luz própria e conquistou bem mais do que os exíguos 15 minutos de glória geralmente concedidos a aventureiros ou a simulacros de seja lá o que for. Longe disso, Donovan era autêntico em sua música e em sua poesia.O escocês de Glasgow, com seu sotaque rascante e cara de elemental celta, revelou-se um bom artista. Sensível, cercado de bons músicos, especialmente dos quatro Beatles, soube lidar muito bem com a cena folk, com as baladas e com o lisergic rock, contribuindo para o movimento que conseguiu rimar verão/paz/amor em qualquer língua.
Depois de experimentar os altos e baixos impostos pela cruel passagem tempo e pelas modas que vêm e vão, o velho Donovan, hoje com 69 anos, volta à estrada no dia 3 de outubro. Em tour pelo Reino Unido, vai celebrar seus 50 anos de carreira, impulsionado pelo lançamento de Donovan Retrospective, uma antologia reunida em um álbum com dos CDs.
Donovan experimentou o sucesso e o ostracismo. Conta que logo depois do apagar dos holofotes, ele viveu o inferno. Foi preso por posse de maconha, “embora eu nunca tenha sido um usuário de drogas, só fumava eventualmente”. Para ele, tudo não passou de uma “armação”. “Ser famoso era difícil, era perigoso. Havia atrações fatais. Basta olhar o que aconteceu com John (Lennon)”. O próprio Donovan diz ter sofrido ameaças. “Uma vez uma fã ligou para Linda, minha esposa, e disse que eu havia sido o grande amor da vida dela e que, por isso, iria matá-la.”
Esgotados o flower power e o peace and love, Donovan valeu-se da poesia para manter-se ativo. “Embora eu componha musicas, sou um poeta. Já fui poeta em uma vida anterior, com conexões com poemas e seus criadores, tais como os da geração beatnick, entre eles Alan Ginsberg e Jack Kerouac. Depois enveredei pelo folclore celta e pela cultura indiana”.
Donovan apresentou os Beatles à meditação transcendental, do Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Em 1968 foi com eles para um retiro na Academia de Meditação, em Rishikesh, aos pés dos Himalaias. Foi uma época de fecunda criação para os Beatles e para Donovan, Os cinco trocaram várias experiências e compuseram juntos. Algumas das músicas passaram a integrar o Álbum Branco. George Harrison escreveu um verso para Hurdy Gurdy Man, um clássico de Donovan.
Este, por sua vez, diz ter ensinado a John Lennon um intrincado dedilhado no violão, que pode ser ouvido nas músicas Dear Prudence e Julia, ambas do Álbum Branco.
As rádios brasileiras tocaram muitas músicas de Donovan. Boas músicas como Hurdy Gurdy Man, Mellow Yellow, Atlantis, Wear Your Love Like Heaven, Jennefer Juniper, Laleña, Happiness Runs, Brother Sun, Sister Moon (tema do filme Irmão Sol, Irmã Lua, sobre a vida de São Francisco e Assis, de Franco Zeffirelli, de 1972).
A música Hurdy Gurdy Man tem uma história a parte e integra uma daquelas várias lendas do rock. Donovan diz que ela foi composta em Rishikesh, na Índia, com uma contribuição de George Harrison. O beatle teria escrito uma estrofe de quatro versos, que acabou não entrando na versão final da canção, já que havia um limite de tempo (não mais de três minutos) imposto pela gravadora.
Outra lendas cercam a canção. Quem, afinal, fez o fantástico solo de guitarra? Quem tocou baixo? Quem tocou bateria? Donovan, em sua autobiografia, disse que o solo de guitarra foi feito por Jimmy Page. A bateria teria sido obra de John Bonham. O baixo ficou com John Paul Jones. Quer dizer, à exceção de Donovan no vocal, Hurdy Gurdy Man foi gravada pelo ainda embrionário Led Zepellin.
Em tempo: Hurdy Gurdy Man teria sido composta originalmente para Jimi Hendrix tocar e cantar, mas, com outros compromissos, ele não estava disponível no momento. Há ainda quem ouça Alan Parker e Jeff Beck na guitarra. E até Paul McCartney no contrabaixo.
Lendas ou não, o fato é que Donovan sempre foi acompanhado por bons músicos. No clássico Barabajagal ele teve como apoio o Jeff Beck Group, com Ronnie Wood (dos Rolling Stones) no baixo, Lesley and Madeleine nos backing vocals e com o icônico Nicky Hopkins nos teclados. Texto:Estadão (Blogs Sonoridades).Site Oficial.
02. Catch The Wind (2:56)
03. Remember the Alamo (3:04)
04. Cuttin' Out (2:19)
05. Car Car (Riding in My Car) (1:31)
06. Keep On Truckin' (1:50)
07. Goldwatch Blues (2:33)
08. To Sing for You (2:45)
09. You're Gonna Need Somebody on Your Bond (4:04)
10. Tangeringe Puppet (1:51)
11. Donna Donna (2:56)
12. Ramblin' Boy (2:33)
Donovan Torrent
02. To Try For The Sun (3:38)
03. Hey Gyp (Dig The Slowness) (3:10)
04. Colours (2:45)
05. Josie (3:27)
06. The Universal Soldier (2:12)
07. Candy Man (3:26)
08. The Summer Day Reflection Song (2:12)
09. Donna Donna (2:55)
10. Why Do You Treat Me Like You Do (2:55)
11. Gold Watch Blues (2:32)
12. Jersey Thursday (2:13)
13. The Ballad Of A Crystal Man (3:15)
14. Turquoise (3:28)
15. To Sing For You (2:42)
16. Sunny Goodge Street (2:56)
02. To Try for the Sun (3:39)
03. Sunny Goodge Street (2:58)
04. Oh Deed I Do (2:10)
05. Circus of Sour (1:55)
06. The Summer Day Reflection Song (2:16)
07. Candy Man (3:29)
08. Jersey Thursday (2:15)
09. Belated Forgiveness Plea (2:59)
10. The Ballad of a Crystal Man (3:55)
11. Little Tin Soldier (3:01)
12. The Ballad of Geraldine (4:43)
13. Universal Soldier (2:16)
14. The Ballad of a Crystal Man (3:19)
15. The War Drags On (3:44)
16. Do You Hear Me Now (1:50)
17. Turquoise (3:31)
18. Hey Gyp (Dig the Slowness) (3:09)
01. Sunshine Superman (3:19)
02. Legend Of A Girl Child Linda (6:52)
03. Three King Fishers (3:19)
04. Ferris Wheel (4:13)
05. Bert's Blues (3:59)
06. Season Of The Witch (4:58)
07. The Trip (4:38)
08. Guinevere (3:44)
09. The Fat Angel (4:18)
10. Celeste (4:13)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Breezes Of Patchuli (4:39)
12. Museum (1st Version) (2:53)
13. Superlungs (1st Version, Unissued Alternative Take) (4:14)
14. The Land Of Doesn't Have To Be (2:43)
15. Sunny South Kensington (3:57)
16. Epistle To Dippy (Early Alternative Arrangement) (3:12)
UK Sunshine Superman Stereo Tracks.
17. Writer In The Sun (4:33)
18. Hampstead Inciden (4:51)
19. Sunshine Superman (Long Version) (4:42)
01. Sunshine Superman (3:17)
02. Legend Of A Girl Child Linda (6:54)
03. The Observation (2:25)
04. Guinevere (3:42)
05. Celeste (4:12)
06. Writer In The Sun (4:31)
07. Season Of The Witch (4:59)
08. Hampstead Incident (4:44)
09. Sand And Foam (3:21)
10. Young Girl Blues (4:48)
11. Three King Fishers (3:18)
12. Bert's Blues (4:03)
US Sunshine Superman Mono Tracks.
13. Ferris Wheel (4:15)
14. The Trip (4:38)
15. The Fat Angel (4:11)
02. Writer In The Sun (4:31)
03. Sand And Foam (3:20)
04. The Observation (2:24)
05. Bleak City Woman (2:26)
06. House Of Jansch (2:46)
07. Young Girl Blues (3:48)
08. Museum (2:58)
09. Hampstead Incident (4:43)
10. Sunny South Kensington (3:55)
Bonus Tracks.
11. Epistle To Dippy (Stereo) (3:11)
12. Preachin' Love (2:40)
13. Good Time (1:54)
14. There Is A Mountain (2:36)
15. Superlungs (Second Version) (3:17)
16. Epistle To Dippy (Alternative Arr-Stereo) (3:13)
17. Sidewalk (The Observation) (Demo-Mono) (2:29)
18. Writer In The Sun (Demo-Mono) (3:30)
19. Hampstead Incident (Demo-Mono) (3:52)
20. Museum (Demo-Mono) (3:49)
02. Mad John's Escape (2:18)
03. Skip-A-Long Sam (2:25)
04. Sun (3:16)
05. There Was a Time (2:01)
06. Oh Gosh (1:54)
07. Little Boy in Corduroy (2:36)
08. Under the Greenwood Tree (1:57)
09. The Land of Doesn't Have to Be (2:36)
10. Someone Singing (2:47)
11. Song of the Naturalist's Wife (2:54)
12. The Enchanted Gypsy (3:21)
13. Voyage into the Golden Screen (3:15)
14. Isle of Islay (2:24)
15. The Mandolin Man and His Secret (3:33)
16. Lay of the Last Tinker (1:49)
17. The Tinker and the Crab (2:54)
18. Widow With Shawl (A Portrait) (3:01)
19. The Lullaby of Spring (3:26)
20. The Magpie (1:31)
21. Starfish-On-The-Toast (2:45)
22. Epistle to Derroll (5:45)
02. Peregrine (3:36)
03. The Entertaining of a Shy Girl (1:42)
04. As I Recall It (2:09)
05. Get Thy Bearings (2:49)
06. Hi It's Been a Long Time (2:34)
07. West Indian Lady (2:17)
08. Jennifer Juniper (2:43)
09. The River Song (2:17)
10. Tangier (4:12)
11. A Sunny Day (1:54)
12. The Sun Is a Very Magic Fellow (2:44)
13. Teas (2:30)
02. Isle Of Islay (2:59)
03. Young Girl Blues (6:22)
04. There Is A Mountain (3:17)
05. Poor Love (Poor Cow) (3:36)
06. Sunny Goodge Street (3:13)
07. Celeste (5:24)
08. The Fat Angel (3:28)
09. Guinevere (3:39)
10. Widow With Shawl (A Portrait) (3:00)
11. Epistle To Derroll (5:53)
12. Preachin' Love (9:38)
02. Sand And Foam (3:21)
03. Hampstead Incident (5:10)
04. Writer In The Sun (4:27)
05. To Try For The Sun (3:27)
06. Someone Singing (2:55)
07. Pebble And The Man (Happiness Runs) (4:02)
08. The Tinker And The Crab (3:38)
09. Rules And Regulations (2:33)
10. Mellow Yellow (4:42)
11. Catch The Wind (Part) (1:16)
02. Superlungs My Supergirl (2:39)
03. Where Is She? (2:46)
04. Happiness Runs (3:25)
05. I Love My Shirt (3:19)
06. The Love Song (3:14)
07. To Susan on the West Coast Waiting (3:12)
08. Atlantis (5:06)
09. Trudi (2:23)
10. Pamela Jo (4:24)
02. Song For John (2:43)
03. Curry Land (4:38)
04. Joe Bean's Theme (2:52)
05. People Used To (4:09)
06. Celtic Rock (3:37)
07. Riki Tiki Tavi (2:55)
08. Clara Clairvoyant (2:570
09. Roots of Oak (4:53)
10. Season of Farewell (3:25)
11. Poke at the Pope (2:47)
12. New Year's Resovolution (5:10)
02. Jabberwocky (2:37)
03. The Seller Of Stars (2:52)
04. Lost Time (2:29)
05. The Little White Road (2:05)
06. The Star (1:45)
07. Coulter's Candy (1:44)
08. The Road (1:08)
09. Things To Wear (1:06)
10. The Owl And The Pussycat (2:24)
11. Homesickness (2:31)
12. Fishes In Love (1:04)
13. Mr. Wind (2:38)
14. Wynken Blynken And Nod (2:26)
15. Celia Of The Seals (3:02)
16. The Pee Song (2:06)
17. The Voyage Of The Moon (5:18)
18. The Unicorn (0:55)
19. Lord Of The Dance (2:31)
20. Little Ben (1:44)
21. Can Ye Dance (1:32)
22. In An Old-Fashioned Picture Book (3:11)
23. The Song Of Wandering Aengus (3:56)
24. A Funny Man (1:51)
25. Lord Of The Reedy River (2:38)
26. Henry Martin (5:08)
27. Queen Mab (2:18)
28. La Moora (2:21)
02. Earth Sign Man (4:03)
03. Sleep (3:54)
04. Maria Magenta (2:20)
05. Wild Witch Lady (4:36)
06. The Music Makers (4:29)
07. The Intergalactic Laxative (2:53)
08. I Like You (5:22)
09. Only The Blues (3:18)
10. Appearances (3:44)
02. Lazy Daze (4:43)
03. Life Goes On (2:37)
04. There Is An Ocean (4:49)
05. The Dignity Of Man (5:19)
06. Yellow Star (3:07)
07. The Divine Daze Of Deathless Delight (4:00)
08. Boy For Every Girl (4:15)
09. St. Valentine's Angel (3:57)
10. Life Is A Merry-Go-Round (3:13)
11. Sailing Homeward (2:56)
02. Only the Blues (3:20)
03. Sadness (3:04)
04. A Working Man (3:07)
05. Your Broken Heart (3:42)
06. Universal Soldier (2:48)
07. The Dignity of Man (4:45)
08. Hey Gyp (Dig the Slowness) (2:26)
09. Tinker Tune (2:47)
10. Living for the Love Light (2:53)
11. Josie (3:21)
12. Sailing Homeward (3:23)
13. The Ferryman's Daughter (2:38)
14. Life Is a Merry-Go-Round (3:52)
02. Your Broken Heart (3:31)
03. Salvation Stomp (2:47)
04. The Ordinary Family (4:19)
05. Ride-a-Mile (4:44)
06. Sadness (2:39)
07. Moon Rok (2:51)
08. Love Of My Life (4:19)
09. The Voice Of Protest (3:19)
10. How Silly (2:36)
11. The Great Song Of The Sky (2:50)
12. The Quest (3:32)
Bonus Tracks.
13. Rock And Roll Souljer (Single Version) (2:48)
14. Salvation Stomp (Single Version) (2:47)
15. Age Of Treason (4:21)
16. What The Soul Desires (2:34)
02. Cryin' Shame (4:29)
03. The Mountain (Derroll Adams) (3:32)
04. Children of the World (3:22)
05. My Love Is True (Love Song) (3:41)
06. A Well Known Has-Been (7:25)
07. Black Widow (5:44)
08. Slow Down World (4:22)
09. Liberation Rag (2:56)
02. Astral Angel (4:36)
03. The Light (4:12)
04. Dare To Be Different (3:57)
05. Brave New World (4:59)
06. Lady Of The Stars (3:02)
07. International Man (4:03)
08. Sing My Song (3:09)
09. Maya's Dance (3:48)
10. Kalifornia Kiddies (3:50)
02. Only To Be Expected (3:21)
03. Coming To You (3:28)
04. No Hunger (2:44)
05. Neutron (2:05)
06. Mee Mee I Love You (2:45)
07. The Heights Of Alma (3:42)
08. No Man's Land (5:20)
09. We Are One (3:46)
10. Madrigalinda (2:46)
11. Harmony (2:16)
Bonus Tracks.
12. Heights Of Alma (Live) (3:33)
13. Universal Soldier (Live) (2:38)
14. Only To Be Expected (Acoustic) (2:40)
15. Split Wood Not Atoms (2:41)
16. Shipwrecked (Alt. Mix) (3:45)
17. Madrigalinda (Alt. Version) (2:44)
18. Fair Ye Well (Acapella) (1:50)
02. Lover O Lover (3:53)
03. The Actor (4:05)
04. Half Moon Bay (3:55)
05. The Hills of Tuscany (4:08)
06. Lay Down Lassie (4:15)
07. She (4:01)
08. Johnny Tuff (4:58)
09. Love Is Only Feeling (3:04)
10. Marjorie Margerine (4:01)
02. I Love You Baby (3:28)
03. Bye, Bye Girl (3:55)
04. Every Reason (3:10)
05. Season of The Witch (5:28)
06. Boy For Every Girl (4:40)
07. Local Boy Chops Wood (3:30)
08. Sunshine Superman (4:03)
09. Living For The Love Light (3:48)
10. Till I See You Again (3:14)
02. Catch The Wind (3:00)
03. The Hurdy Gurdy Man (6:14)
04. Sunshine Superman (4:00)
05. Sadness (2:52)
06. Universal Soldier (2:52)
07. Cosmic Wheels (4:09)
08. Atlantis (3:02)
09. Wear Your Glove Like Heaven (3:29)
10. To Susan On The West Coast Waiting (3:11)
11. Colours (3:31)
12. Young Girl Blues (5:00)
13. Young But Growing (3:43)
14. Stealing (4:13)
15. Sailing Homeward (3:05)
16. Love Will Find Away (2:44)
02. Legend Of A Girl Child Linda (6:51)
03. Three Kingfishers (3:15)
04. Ferris Wheel (4:12)
05. Bert's Blues (3:57)
06. Season Of The Witch (4:56)
07. The Trip (4:34)
08. Guinevere (3:39)
09. The Fat Angel (4:10)
10. Celeste (4:08)
02. Writer In The Sun (4:33)
03. Sand And Foam (3:21)
04. The Observation (2:26)
05. Bleak City Woman (2:28)
06. House Of Jansch (2:44)
07. Young Girl Blues (3:52)
08. Museum (3:00)
09. Hampstead Incident (4:44)
10. Sunny South Kensington (3:48)
02. Peregrine (3:39)
03. The Entertaining Of A Shy Girl (1:42)
04. As I Recall It (2:10)
05. Get The Bearings (2:51)
06. Hi It'S Been A Long Time (2:35)
07. West Indian Lady (2:19)
08. Jennifer Juniper (2:43)
09. The River Song (2:17)
10. Tangier (4:15)
11. A Sunny Day (1:58)
12. The Sun Is A Very Magic Fellow (2:47)
13. Teas (2:33)
02. Superlungs My Supergirl (2:42)
03. Where Is She (2:49)
04. Happiness Runs (3:28)
05. I Love My Shirt (3:19)
06. The Love Song (3:17)
07. To Susan On The West Coast Waiting (3:15)
08. Atlantis (5:02)
09. Trudi (2:26)
10. Pamela Jo (4:25)
02. Give It All Up (3:09)
03. Sleep (2:47)
04. Everlasting Sea (3:33)
05. High Your Love (2:31)
06. The Clear-Browed One (3:20)
07. The Way (02:16)
08. Deep Peace (3:11)
09. Nirvana (3:31)
10. Eldorado (3:06)
11. Be Mine (3:28)
12. Lady of the Lamp (3:53)
13. The Evernow (4:09)
14. Universe Am I (4:46)
15. The Garden (2:51)
02. Why Do You Treat Me Like You Do (2:58)
03. Josie (3:30)
04. Catch The Wind (Album Version Without Strings) (2:58)
05. Remember The Alamo (3:06)
06. Cuttin' Out (2:21)
07. Car Car (Riding In My Car) (1:33)
08. Keep On Truckin' (1:52)
09. Goldwatch Blues (2:34)
10. To Sing For You (2:46)
11. You're Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond (4:05)
12. Tangerine Puppet (1:53)
13. Donna Donna (2:58)
14. Ramblin' Boy (2:36)
15. Every Man Has His Chain (Originaly Released On A French EP) (2:14)
16. Colours (Original Single Version) (2:45)
02. The Ballad Of A Crystal Man (3:19)
03. The War Drags On (3:44)
04. Do You Hear Me Now (1:51)
05. Colours (Album Version Without Harmonica) (2:47)
06. To Try For The Sun (3:41)
07. Sunny Goodge Street (2:58)
08. Oh Deed I Do (2:10)
09. Circus Of Sour (1:54)
10. Summer Day Reflection Song (2:10)
11. Candy Man (3:30)
12. Jersey Thursday (2:18)
13. Belated Forgiveness Plea (2:59)
14. The Ballad Of A Crystal Man (Alternative Version) (3:54)
15. The Little Tin Soldier (3:04)
16. Ballad Of Geraldine (4:44)
17. Turquoise (3:32)
18. Hey Gyp (Dig The Slowness) (3:09)
02. Happiness Runs (4:39)
03. Sun Magic (3:43)
04. People Call Me Pied Piper (4:21)
05. Little Boy In Corduroy (3:37)
06. Colours (3:17)
07. Jackie Beanstalk (6:22)
08. A Funny Man (2:01)
09. Mandolin Man And His Secret (3:48)
10. Nature Friends (1:14)
11. Wynken, Blynken, And Nod (3:24)
12. Little Teddy Bear (2:58)
13. Voyage Of The Moon (5:49)
02. Mellow Yellow (3:39)
03. Catch The Wind (LP Version) (2:55)
04. There Is A Mountain (2:35)
05. Colours (2:45)
06. Jennifer Juniper (2:42)
07. The Trip (4:34)
08. Sunny Goodge Street (2:55)
09. Happiness Runs (3:25)
10. Poor Cow (2:57)
11. Preachin' Love (2:40)
12. Hurdy Gurdy Man (3:13)
13. Superlungs My Supergirl (2:40)
14. Season Of The Witch (4:55)
15. Turquoise (3:30)
16. Epistle To Dippy (3:10)
17. Sand And Foam (3:19)
18. Atlantis (4:59)
19. Guinevere (3:40)
20. Wear You're Love Like Heaven (2:24)
21. Barabajagal (Love Is Hot) (3:21)
22. Lalena (2:55)
02. Talkin' Pop Star Blues (3:29)
03. Dirty Old Town (2:31)
04. Keep On Trucking (2:19)
05. Co'dine (4:47)
06. London Town (4:08)
07. Isle Of Sadness (3:03)
08. The Darkness Of My Night (3:28)
09. Freedom Road (2:06)
02. Poorman's Sunshine (4:02)
03. Beat Cafe (4:14)
04. Yin My Yang (3:35)
05. Whirlwind (4:46)
06. Two Lovers (3:42)
07. The Question (3:06)
08. Lord Of The Universe (4:47)
09. Lover O Lover (4:56)
10. The Cookoo (3:49)
11. Do Not Go Gentle (4:27)
12. Shambhala (5:29)
02. Colours (2:45)
03. Summer Day Reflection Song (2:08)
04. Universial Soldier (2:13)
05. You're Gonna Need Somebody On Your Bond (4:03)
06. Turquoise (3:29)
07. Sunshine Superman (Extended Version) (3:16)
08. The Trip (Single Version) (4:34)
09. Legend Of A Girl Child Linda (6:53)
10. Season Of The Witch (4:56)
11. Ferris Wheel (4:14)
12. Mellow Yellow (3:44)
13. Young Girl Blues (3:47)
14. Museum (2:56)
15. Humpstead Incident (4:42)
16. Sunny South Kensington (3:50)
17. The Land Of Doesn't Have To Be (Early Version) (2:43)
18. Epistle To Dippy (3:09)

02. Wear Your Love Like Heaven (2:26)
03. Sun (3:16)
04. Isle Of Islay (2:23)
05. Sunny Goodge Street (3:15)
06. Sand And Foam (2:43)
07. Jennifer Juniper (2:43)
08. Hurdy Gurdy Man (3:20)
09. Get Thy Bearings (3:53)
10. Lalena (2:56)
11. To Susan On The West Coast Waiting (3:12)
12. Atlantis (5:09)
13. Barabajagal (Love Is Hot) (3:25)
14. Happiness Runs (3:28)
15. Riki Tiki Tavi (2:58)
16. Celia Of The Seals (3:01)
17. I Like You (5:18)
18. Hey Gyp (Dig The Slowness) (2:28)
02. Ballad of a Crystal Man (3:53)
03. Colours (2:47)
04. Sunny Goodge Street (2:58)
05. Th Summer Day Reflection Song (2:14)
06. Hey Gyp (Dig the Slowness) (3:11)
07. You're Gonna Need Somebody on Your Bond (4:04)
08. Donna Donna (2:57)
09. Goldwatch Blues (2:33)
10. Universal Soldier (2:14)
11. The Ballad of Geraldine (4:41)
12. Do You Hear me Now (1:49)
13. To Try for the Sun (3:39)
14. To Sing for You (2:45)
15. The War Drags on (3:42)
16. Tangerine Puppet (1:52)
17. Oh Deed I Do (2:08)
18. Turquoise (3:31)
19. Jersey Thursday (2:14)
20. Cuttin' Out (2:19)
02. Josie (3:27)
03. Codine (Demo Version) (4:47)
04. Colours (2:45)
05. Universal Soldier (2:12)
06. Sunny Goodge Street (2:55)
07. Hey Gyp (Dig The Slowness) (3:10)
08. Sunshine Superman (Extended) (4:33)
09. Trip (Single Version) (4:34)
10. Legend Of A Girl Child Linda (6:53)
11. Three King Fishers (3:17)
12. Season Of The Witch (4:56)
13. Guinevere (3:41)
14. Fat Angel (4:12)
15. Mellow Yellow (3:43)
16. Sand And Foam (3:17)
17. Young Girl Blues (3:46)
18. Museum (2:56)
19. Hampstead Incident (4:42)
20. Sunny South Kensington (3:49)
02. Preachin' Love (2:39)
03. There Is A Mountain (2:35)
04. Wear Your Love Like Heaven (2:25)
05. Oh Gosh (1:48)
06. Isle Of Islay (2:22)
07. Epistle To Derroll (Live) (5:43)
08. To Try For The Sun (Live) (3:20)
09. Someone's Singing (Live) (3:55)
10. The Tinker And The Crab (Live) (3:06)
11. Jennifer Juniper (2:42)
12. Poor Cow (2:57)
13. Hurdy Gurdy Man (3:20)
14. Get Thy Bearings (2:53)
15. Lalena (2:56)
16. Barabajagal (Love Is Hot) (3:24)
17. Lord Of The Reedy River (3:04)
18. Moon In Capricorn (2:03)
19. To Susan On The West Coast Waiting (3:13)
20. Atlantis (5:08)

02. Song Of The Wandering Aengus (3:55)
03. Ferryman's Daughter (1:49)
04. She Moved Through The Fair (2:52)
05. Traveling People (1:50)
06. Riki-Tiki-Tavi (2:55)
07. Clara Clairvoyant (2:52)
08. Young And Growing (4:33)
09. Keep On Truckin' (Live) (2:53)
10. Stealin' (Live) (4:09)
11. I Like You (5:17)
12. Maria Magenta (2:12)
13. Working Man (Live) (3:09)
14. Tinker Tune (Live) (2:50)
15. Sailing Homeward (2:57)
16. Your Broken Heart (3:33)
17. Dark-Eyed Blue Jean Angel (3:52)
18. Please Don't Bend (4:12)
19. Love Floats (4:20)
20. Happiness Runs (2004 Version) (3:43)
02. Mellow Yellow (Single Version) (03:41)
03. Catch The wind (Single Version) (02:15)
04. There Is A Mountain (02:34)
05. Isle Of Islay (02:20)
06. Wear Your Love Like Heaven (02:24)
07. Colours (02:44)
08. Young Girl Blues (03:44)
09. Epistle To Dippy (03:08)
10. Hurdy Gurdy Man (03:18)
11. Goo Goo Barabajagal (Love Is Hot) (03:21)
12. Happiness Runs (03:25)
13. Atlantis (05:08)
14. Season Of The Witch (04:54)
02. E-Motion (3:59
03. Waves (4:29)
04. Diggin' The Future Now (2:30)
05. I'm An American (4:04)
06. Mistaken Eternity (3:07)
07. Cherchez L'Erreur (3:34)
08. Shaman (1:40)
09. The Mountain (3:40)
10. Devil Weed (4:45)
11. The Olive Tree (4:23)
12. Linda (3:13)
13. Local Boy Chops Wood (3:30)
14. The Breath (4: 32)
02. Flame (3:23)
03. Refugee Of Love (5:27)
04. Still Waters (3:38)
05. Big Pop Star (3:50)
06. Love Seed (3:47)
07. Ja Healer (3:43)
08. Gentle Heart (3:56)
09. Dreams Of Love (3:23)
10. A Woman's Work (4:08)
11. Save The World (3:17)
12. The Breath (Reprise) (2:39)
13. I Am The Shaman (Bonus) (4:22)
Sunshine Superman.
01. Sunshine Superman (3:15)
02. Legend Of A Girl Child Linda (6:54)
03. Three Kingfishers (3:18)
04. Ferris Wheel (4:14)
05. Bert’s Blues (4:00)
06. Season Of The Witch (4:58)
07. The Trip (4:37)
08. Guinevere (3:42)
09. Fat Angel (4:13)
10. Celeste (4:13)
Mellow Yellow.
11. Mellow Yellow (3:43)
12. Writer In The Sun (4:31)
13. Sand And Foam (3:20)
14. Observation (2:24)
15. Bleak City Woman (2:26)
16. House Of Jansch (2:46)
17. Young Girl Blues (3:48)
18. Museum (2:58)
19. Hampstead Incident (4:43)
20. Sunny South Kensington (3:49)
01. Hurdy Gurdy Man (3:18)
02. Peregrine (3:39)
03. The Entertaining Of A Shy Girl (1:42)
04. As I Recall It (2:10)
05. Get Thy Bearings (2:54)
06. Hi, It’s Been A Long Time (2:38)
07. West Indian Lady (2:18)
08. Jennifer Juniper (2:43)
09. River Song (2:17)
10. Tangier (4:14)
11. Sunny Day (1:58)
12. The Sun Is A Very Magic Fellow (2:48)
13. Teas (2:40)
14. Jennifer Juniper (Italian version, Previously Unreleased) (2:43)
15. Barabajagal (3:25)
16. Superlungs My Supergirl (2:50)
17. Where Is She (2:48)
18. Happiness Runs (3:28)
19. I Love My Shirt (3:19)
20. Love Song (3:16)
21. To Susan On The West Coast Waiting (3:13)
22. Atlantis (5:01)
23. Trudi (2:25)
24. Pamela Jo (4:27)
25. Poor Man’s Sunshine (NatIvity From The Barabajagal Sessions) (5:17)
02. Mad John’s Escape (2:23)
03. Skip-A-Long Sam (2:29)
04. Sun (3:20)
05. There Was A Time (2:05)
06. Oh Gosh (1:52)
07. Little Boy In Corduroy (2:37)
08. Under The Greenwood Tree (2:00)
09. Land Of Doesn’t Have To Be (2:32)
10. Someone Singing (3:09)
11. Song Of The Naturalists Wife (2:47)
12. Enchanted Gypsy (3:23)
13. Voyage Into The Golden Screen (3:17)
14. Isle Of Islay (2:25)
15. Mandolin Man & His Secret (3:36)
16. Lay Of The Last Tinker (1:54)
17. Tinker & The Crab (2:56)
18. Widow With A Shawl (3:03)
19. Lullaby Of Spring (3:28)
20. Magpie (1:33)
21. Starfish-On-The-Toast (2:48)
22. Epistle To Derroll (5:47)
01. Breezes Of Patchouli (4:36)
02. Museum (1st Version) (2:52)
03. Superlungs (1st Version) (3:17)
04. Land Of Doesn’t Have To Be (2:42)
05. Sunshine Superman (Original Longer Stereo Version) (4:44)
Mellow Yellow.
06. Epistle To Dippy (3:11)
07. Preachin’ Love (2:40)
08. Good Time (1:54)
09. There Is A Mountain (2:36)
10. Superlungs (2nd Version) (3:17)
Hurdy Gurdy Man.
11. Epistle To Dippy (Alternative Arrangement) (3:13)
12. Teen Angel (2:18)
13. Poor Cow (2:58)
14. Lalena (2:55)
15. Aye My Love (2:08)
16. What A Beautiful Creature You Are (2:44)
17. Colours (4:19)
18. Catch The Wind (5:04)
19. Stromberg Twins (4:40)
20. Snakeskin (2:41)
21. Lauretta’s Cousin Laurinda (4:18)
22. Swan (Lord Of The Reedy River) (3:09)
23. New Years Resolution (Donovan’s Celtic Jam) (3:14)
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Report date: August, 2017
Ray Donovan s05e01 EXTENDED XviD-AFG
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Ray Donovan s05e02 XviD-AFG
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Ray Donovan s05e04 XviD-AFG
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Ray Donovan s05e06 XviD-AFG
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Ray Donovan s05e07 BDMux.H264.Ita.Eng.Ac3.5.1.Subs.RoomCrew
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Ray Donovan s05e09 XviD-AFG
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Ray Donovan season 5 episode 1
Ray Donovan season 5 episode 2 XviD-AFG
Ray Donovan season 5 episode 3 480p x264-mSD
Ray Donovan season 5 episode 4 1080p HEVC x265-MeGusta
Ray Donovan season 5 episode 5 1080p HEVC x265-MeGusta
Ray Donovan season 5 episode 6 XviD-AFG
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