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Megamax Hormonal And Cancer Studies : Research Details

The Mega Man X series, known as Rockman X (ロックマンX, Rokkuman Ekkusu) in Japan, made its debut in December 1993 on the Super Famicom and Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES). 1 Story 2 Mega Man X games 2.1 Mainline games 2.2 Side games 2.3 Licensed games 3 Timeline 3.1 Series Backstory 3.1.1 Mega Man X-Mega Man X4 3.1.2 Mega Man X5-Mega Man X8 3.1.3 Out-of-Continuity Events 4.

January 2007 complied by Sue Visser


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Most health issues today seem to center on stress and fatigue. As a result, we lack that old “get up and go” feeling, that invincible, all-powerful impetus to sustain a day of combined work and pleasure. When it comes to evening pastimes and our sex lives, oh dear! All kinds of excuses: during the past 15 years of my research work the blame seems to be tossed between her “headaches”, menopausal or hormonal issues and his prostate problems.

The side effects of medications for depression, high blood pressure, diabetes and circulatory, cholesterol and cardiac conditions affect both men and women. The common enemy: stress becomes the ultimate scapegoat. Just look at the statistics: over 90% of chronically depressed people are sexually dysfunctional or totally impotent. Furthermore in South Africa 60% of the men over the age of 40 have serious sexual dysfunctions.

No wonder people reach out for aphrodisiacs, Viagra, porn stimulation and all manner of very risky means to restore the ultimate drive that is hardwired into a human being: that of the sex drive. Believe it or not, it takes precedence over the hunger drive and the in-born fear of falling or loud noises.

The big clean up is not a lazy man’s job. In the research that I have compiled, I have included a lot of scientific references and quotations. If the information that follows does not convince you that we as human beings have walked ourselves into a boxed canyon when it comes to interfering with our natural, God-given functions, nothing will. Then read no further and keep taking medications that are needed for your survival. You eat badly, feel bad, are loaded with parasites and toxins and take drugs in order to “survive” diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, cancer, gout, arthritis, and menopausal or prostate disorders. You then have to suffer their dangerous and ugly side effects.

These disorders all respond to a good clean up of your system, adequate and accurate supplementation and a diet that really suits you as an individual. It is not a lazy man’s job, but taking responsibility for your own condition and making your own decisions about your health regimen can really transform your life. At all times, practitioners of Natural or integrated medicine can guide and advise you and help to monitor your condition.

It is never wise to suddenly drop a medication you are dependent on. A gradual reduction thereof whilst the herbs and supplements are increased to bring you back to normal, assisted by a suitable diet is the preferred method. Over the years I have been very happy to recommend this process to people who were glad to hear that there are natural alternatives to medications.

The biggest stumbling block seems to be the cost factor. When on a medical aid with prescribed drugs as part of the package, most of the people I try to help are comfortably numb and can stay that way for all I care: too lazy, prejudiced and brainwashed to do otherwise. Nevertheless I persist by reminding them, as I have done for the past nearly 8 years on Radio 786 that most degenerative diseases do not run in the family – they originate at the dinner table!

For people who are living in a genuinely healthy way, I say welcome back to life! You have cleaned out your toxins and parasites, you eat healthy and nutritious food, you exercise and you handle stress with the correct attitude. You have all the help and support of like-minded health practitioners and especially the caring supervision of doctors of integrated medicine at your disposal. They can supervise your transition from medications to natural supplementation and help to make dietary adjustments.

Many illnesses like cancer, arthritis, obesity and thyroid problems are a direct result of eating food that does not suit your blood type. Parasites and microbial entities affect all our illnesses, so get rid of them! Yes, get off the drugs by cleaning up, taking supplements, eating properly and exercising in a way that really pleases you.


“Today in South Africa erectile dysfunction affects 60% of men over 40.”

Ref 1: Complete book of MEN’S HEALTH by Dr Sarah Brewer. Publisher: Thorsons

IMPOTENCE: the inability to obtain or maintain an erection for intercourse, meaning: adequate erection of the penis with sufficient hardness for long enough to complete the sexual act and end in a controlled ejaculation. Ideally this should provide sexual satisfaction for both partners. Complete impotence may be suspected if nocturnal erections do not occur spontaneously a few times a night when a man sleeps.

This extract sourced from the internet sums up the causes:

Ref 2: Update on male erectile dysfunction. G Wagner, associate professor, a I Saenz de Tejada, director. b a Panum Institute, University of Copenhagen, 2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark, b Andrology Unit, Urology Service, Hospital Ruber Internacional, Madrid, Spain. Correspondence to: Professor Wagner

Normal erectile function requires the coordination of psychological, hormonal, neurological, vascular, and cavernosal functions. Alteration in any one of these factors is sufficient to cause erectile dysfunction. Not uncommonly, a combination of factors is involved:

1) Chronic systemic illness. Diabetes mellitus, heart disease, and hypertension are all commonly associated with erectile dysfunction. About 90% of severely depressed men report complete impotence. Peripheral vascular disease leading to insufficient arterial blood supply is another common cause. In addition, an association between low plasma concentrations of high density lipoprotein (low HDL cholesterol) and erectile dysfunction has been found. Other diseases such as peptic ulcer, arthritis, and allergy are also associated with an increased prevalence of erectile dysfunction.

2) Hormonal factors. The role of testosterone in erectile dysfunction is not clear. Some men continue to achieve erection even after castration. The fall in free serum testosterone and increases in concentrations of sex hormone binding globulin with aging may be associated with loss of libido and reduced frequency of erection. Replacement of normal testosterone concentrations does not always improve sexual function. (This happens if levels of the hormone prolactin are too high low libido and erectile dysfunction by unknown mechanisms).

3) Local conditions. Poor blood supply as a result of congenital malformations or trauma is a less common cause of erectile dysfunction that can affect the young male. Peyronie’s disease is a specific condition of the penis in which the development of fibrous plaques in the tunica albuginea, sometimes extending into the erectile tissue, may cause pain (in the early inflammatory stage) and penile deviation, making coitus impossible. Inability to retain pressurised blood in the corpus cavernosum follows disruption of the veno-occlusive mechanism, which can be caused by Peyronie’s disease, congenital, or the result of trauma or surgery.

4) Drug induced erectile dysfunction. Around 25% of erectile failure seen in clinic patients is caused by medication.17 Erectile dysfunction may affect 10-20% of patients taking thiazide diuretics, and to a lesser extent, patients who are using blocking drugs.18 This may be a result of reduced perfusion pressure, as blood pressure falls in response to the medication, or probably a direct (but unknown) effect on smooth muscle.

Further support for this mechanism comes from the observation that treatment of hypertension with the adrenergic receptor blockers is not associated with erectile failure, and possibly even enhances pre-existing poor sexual function, despite lowering arterial blood pressure.19 Erectile dysfunction commonly complicates antidepressant treatment with both monoamine oxidase inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants.17 Benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been reported to cause erectile failure, decreased libido, or ejaculatory problems. 17 20 Cimetidine, digoxin, and metoclopramide cause erectile dysfunction, as do anabolic steroids, either through a direct effect on penile tissues or through suppression of normal androgen production.21

Up to 75% of patients in alcohol rehabilitation programmes have erectile dysfunction.17 In chronic alcohol abusers erectile failure may be the result of a combination of psychogenic and organic factors (for example, neuropathy).22

5) Psychogenic causes Psychogenic influences are the most likely causes of intermittent erectile failure in young men. Anxiety about “performance” may result in inhibitory sympathetic nervous system activity, and anticipatory anxiety can make the condition self perpetuating.16 A psychogenic component is often present in older men, secondary to an organic cause.2 Underlying relationship problems are a common cause of erectile failure and this possibility should be explored in men of all ages.

Ref 3: Business Day Health News supplement: Wednesday Dec 13 2006. Article by Marika Sboros: Don’t let life get you down.

Today in South Africa erectile dysfunction affects 60% of men over 40. Most men do not talk about the problem. The most popular medical drugs are PDE5 inhibitors like sildenafil. (Viagra) They work by relaxing smooth muscles and blood vessels in the penis, allowing an erection due to the increase in blood flow to the erectile tissues.

(Sue’s comment: the same effect is achieved with L-arginine supplementation – see info on L-arginine.)

Dr John Briffa ; recommends the following natural herbs to treat the problem.

1 Gingko Biloba. Improves circulation overall, including the genital area. Dose: 40-80mg per day.

2 Ginseng. A good tonic action, all-round. He recommends 900mg 2 or 3x per day. (Contraindications: high blood pressure and insomniacs.)

3 Tribulus Terrestis. Treats declining levels of testosterone at the pituitary level and improves loss of energy, zest for life, mental concentration and libido. Works especially well for men over 50.

4 Daminana. An aphrodisiac from Mexico. (Contraindications: diabetes, breast cancer and psychiatric disorders.)

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Ref 4 : Copyright Jan, 2000, Updates Feb. 2001, May 2002 Dr. Ann de Wees Allen ®)

Physical factors:

Physical factors directly related to the increase or decline in sexual performance include diabetes, weight gain, testosterone, zinc, elevated insulin levels, low blood flow to the penis, low serotonin levels, brain neurons that misfire, hormonal imbalances, back injuries causing nerve damage, nitric oxide, and exercise.

Impaired Sexual Performance

Mental factors associated with sexual performance include depression, Seasonal Syndrome Disorder, and long-term suppressed anger. These factors can be treated with natural and/or chemical means including drugs, behavioral changes, exercise, diet modifications, and therapy. It is common and normal for most men to experience an occasional episode of impotence. Temporary impotence can be caused by tiredness, lack of interest, low blood sugar, lack of sleep, and a variety of other non-permanent causes.

Men who experience episodic, temporary impotence will rebound within a short period of time. Those who do not rebound and find that they experience impotence on a frequent basis over a long period of time are experiencing “chronic impotence.” According to sexual dysfunction expert Ira Sharlip, M.D., 30 million men currently struggle with long-term chronic impotence.

Causal Factors In Reduced Sexual Performance. The number-one cause of impaired sexual performance and impotence is diabetes. Being overweight triples the risk of developing diabetes. Reduced sexual performance and impotence are also directly related to excess body weight. The risk of impotence triples in males who are overweight versus males who have normal body weights. Even minor gains in weight can affect libido and erections. A weight gain of only ten pounds can lower testosterone, which can make erection problems more likely. Since weight gain and Type II diabetes are directly related, it is important to stay fit and trim in order to promote strong erections.

Testosterone is the hormonal juice that triggers sexual performance in males. The hormone testosterone is mandatory for sexual potency and performance. High testosterone levels usually ensure high levels of sexual activity and strong erections. Low testosterone levels affect more than four million males, whose symptoms range from lack of interest to weak erections. For mild testosterone deficiencies, eating nuts may help solve the problem. Nuts, like pecans and peanuts have been proven to elevate testosterone levels. Men who have clinically low levels of testosterone usually need to take prescription medication to increase male hormones.

Prostate cancer and/or an enlarged prostate can cause reduced sexual ability as well as full-blown impotence. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BHP) is characterized by an enlarged prostate; a noncancerous growth of the prostate gland. Men who eat diets high in red meat are twice as likely to develop prostate cancer.

Diet has a huge impact on prostate cancer, and males can reduce the odds of developing prostate cancer by a whopping 50 percent by simply eating fish at least three times a week Fish also contains omega-3 fatty acids which support circulation in blood vessels that supply the penis. Shrimp and other shellfish are also excellent sexual enhancers because they contain zinc. Men who do not get a sufficiency of zinc in their diet are at increased risk of developing libido, fertility and prostate problems.

The downside of prostate-specific antigen or PSA blood test: the number of false positives generated by the test, the risk of infection because of biopsies performed based on the test, and the aggressive treatments that usually follow diagnosis which can cause incontinence and sexual dysfunction. In his monthly newsletter, ‘Nutrition & Healing, Dr Wright has covered two different types of prostate cancer screening tests – ones that will sound familiar to most of his female readers: the oestrogen quotient (EQ) and the 2/16 ratio test. These tests predict oestrogen-related cancers like ovarian, breast, etc.

You might be wondering why a test that predicts oestrogen-related cancer risk also works for evaluating prostate cancer risk. Well, male bodies also contain oestrogen. In fact, the male body actually turns testosterone into oestrogen by a process called aromatisation. If everything is functioning properly, only a small fraction of your total testosterone becomes oestrogen.

Unfortunately, as men get older, there’s a tendency for this process to speed up, turning more and more testosterone into oestrogen. If this happens your body makes more oestrogen than is good for your prostate and leaves too little testosterone behind. This raises the risk of both prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. But both the EQ and the 2/16 ratio tests can help you and your doctor to determine if you have too much oestrogen in your system.

What Every Man Over 40 MUST Know About His Prostate… ALARMING STATISTICS show men have a 1 in 3 chance of developing prostate disease at some time in their life. According to Cancer Research, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in South African men. The lifetime risk for being diagnosed with prostate cancer is 1 in 31, although the risk is much higher for white males than any other population group.But cancer isn’t the only threat. Every year thousands of men undergo painful and often unnecessary surgery. Many will suffer side effects of incontinence, impotence and infertility.Prostate disease is a threat you can’t ignore. But it is one you can do something about. To discover the latest ultimate battle-plan for preventing and conquering one of SA’s biggest killers, click here:

WARNING: Replacement Therapy with Testosterone and Anabolic Steroids stops your own production!

Using testosterone and/or anabolic steroids to increase your levels of androgens in your body is also the wrong way to approach the problem of low systemic testosterone levels. For example, use of exogenous testosterone shuts down the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis (HPTA) that controls testosterone production on the body. Instead of helping stimulate testosterone production, the use of testosterone andanabolic steroids decreases the natural production of testosterone and basically shuts down your internal machinery for making testosterone.

Once you go off the replacement therapy, your testosterone levels often end up lower than before you started taking the exogenous androgens. In some cases testosterone levels never even come close to recovering the pre androgen use levels, and the only alternative, if the system can’t be “kick started” to produce testosterone, is to go back on replacement therapy with testosterone or anabolic steroids.

On the other hand, endogenous (developed within the body) hormone production avoids many of the problems associated with exogenous hormone use. By promoting the natural production of the hormone within the body, the regular feedback mechanisms are not by-passed and do not lead to many of the side effects associated with exogenous hormone use.

The list of ingredients that could prove useful for increasing testosterone levels includes various vitamins such as vitamin A, B6 and E, minerals such as zinc, magnesium, manganese, and other ingredients such as arginine, beta ecdysone boron, calcium-d-glucarate, catuaba bark, chasteberry (vitex agnus-castus), chrysin, co-enzyme q10 (ubiquinone), forskohlin, damiana, 5-methyl methoxyisoflavone, deer antler extract, eurycoma longifolia, genistein, GLA, glutathione, prickly pear extract, indole-3-carbinol, ipriflavone, maca root, muira puama, quercetin dihydrate, saw palmetto, schisandra chinensis, stinging nettle extract and tribulus terrestris.

Formulations like TestoBoost are useful for anyone who wants to naturally increase their testosterone levels in order to increase muscle mass and strength and boost sex drive. It’s also useful for those who have lower than normal endogenous testosterone levels whether due to age, overtraining, stress, sickness, or even while on or after the use of anabolic steroids and prohormones.


By Health Researcher: Sue Visser. Observations from people who phone her or consult and seek help.

Chronic systemic illness is a major cause of ED and bad diet is a major cause of chronic systemic illness. Furthermore, the side effects of medications taken for these preventable diseases include depression, insomnia and impaired sexual function. Whatever the cause of depression or insomnia, it is well known that these people do not enjoy a healthy happy sex life either. Statistics reveal that over 90% of depressed people are sexually inactive.

Sexually dysfunctional people tend to become frustrated or depressed and this leads to more drugs or therapy to overcome these feelings of inadequacy, let alone the physical aspects that need medical attention. If the end result of acquiring chronic diseases means no more sex, perhaps we should address the basic cause of these chronic illnesses? It all goes wrong because you eat so wrong! After 10 years of seeing this happen in my interaction with doctors and their patients, I believe that the constant abuse of magic bullets to cure preventable diseases has lead to a mighty slap in the face: modern medicine has produced a few generations of sexually dysfunctional people.

By now most people will be hissing, but there is adequate proof that we make ourselves sick and can make ourselves better with food and a change in attitude alone. Healthy people are very sexy – believe me! Okay, so we are too lazy to fix it that way, so we resort to dietary supplements and can still get good and raunchy, not so? We can still knock out chronic illnesses – but oh dear, sooner or later we succumb to myths and legends about getting old, being stressed out and not having enough time to fix ourselves up.

When on medical aid, it is soooooooooooooo much easier to be diagnosed with arthritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, BPH, hot flushes, stress-related disorders, fatigue, depression and all the other food- attitude- and lifestyle- induced nasties you can think of. Modern illnesses, we call them.

Things our ancestors had no time for, when they put in an honest day’s work; ate simple and well prepared food and died of old age or simply got killed in wars, accidents and skirmishes. Proof of this is indeed the number of concubines or wives men had to satisfy every night. No need for Viagra then! No place for arthritis, diabetes, high cholesterol or depression. Sex is good for you and a few orgasms will certainly flood the brain with hormones and endorphins that relieve stress and make you feel good – and satisfied.

Back to modern man. Oh dear. By now most of them have tried sildenofil (Viagra) and found that it either works, or it doesn’t. A lot of women try it too, and at R80 a shot – that makes it R160 per bang and not everybody escapes the adverse side effects. Many deaths have been caused by Viagra and you need a doctor’s prescription to take it. But what of the diabetics and other drug dependent patients who are not allowed to take it? The huge array of herbal aphrodisiacs and sexual aids on offer today are easily available and make vast and wonderful claims. Their safety and efficacy are questionable. Many of the herbal ingredients they contain could have a direct link to breast or prostate cancer, making them a risky option.

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