Vladik Shibanov Videos

  1. Vladik Shibanov Videos
  2. Vladik Shibanov Azov Videos

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Vladik Shibanov Videos
Freespirits Emergency notice page:

Vladik Shibanov Videos

Freespirits Fundraiser

Vladik Sauna - Vladik Sauna - BahVideo.com - Stop Counting Sheep.

  • Vladik Shibanov was killed in a car 'accident' on October 20, 2009. As a child, Vladik appeared in the 'naturist' or 'soft-porn' films produced by Azov-Films. Azov-Films' headquarters were in Toronto Canada, but its films were made in Crimea, Russia and Romania.
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Vladik Shibanov Videos
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Vladik Shibanov Azov Videos

    Just Added!

  • jumima.net
    When a boy goes with a man ...
    Positive accounts of boy/man relationships
  • the boy in art(Linked via a disclaimer)

  • New Onion sites:
  • Boychat:r2j4xiyckibnyd45.onion
    World's longest-running message board for English-speaking boylovers.
  • Jungsforum:gmfvhgkue66ejbfg.onion
  • 3D Boys (Onion Site)(Linked via a disclaimer)

  • Discussion-Boards:
  • Boylandonline (BLOL)
    Boylandonline (BLOL) is an online forum for Boylovers who seek support, discussion,fellowship and happiness in life, away from society's wrongful persecution.
  • BoyPlanet.net
    BoyPlanet.net is a fast, no-frills discussion forum built upon the legacy of BoyLover.net. No email required for registration. Free expression and fun welcome!

  • Discussion-Chat:
  • Lifeline
    LifeLine is a real-time support chat for people who are attracted to children. Whether you're a boylover or a girllover, or someone who knows one, we're here to listen.

  • Literature-Coming of Age:
  • Nilo & Demetrius: Brothers in Classical Greece
    by Bruce Stores
    Nilo & Demetrius shares the tale of two disparate brothers as they face challenges, failures, and the emotional ups and downs of life in classical Greece.

  • Literature-Gay Youth:
  • Der große Kamerad (The Great Comrade) - Max Meier-Jobst
    (german) Frederik ist dreizehn, als das zwei Jahre ältere Pflegekind Jonas in sein Leben kommt
    (Frederik is thirteen when two years older foster child Jonas comes into his life.)
  • A Dog's Life (german E-Book) - Damian Drake

  • Literature-Intergenerational:
  • Bonustrack - Mein Leben mit Peter(German)
    Boy and partly pedophilia related short stories, including a sequel to 'Die Sache mit Peter'

  • Literature- Non-fiction:
  • Imagine Magazine
    Imagine Magazine is a celebration of youth and teen beauty. Home to many talented authors who are writing ongoing 'coming of age' stories of love and romance between teenage boys, as well as articles on boy models, actors, singers, dancers, as well as music and gaming. All for free! Updated on the 15th of every month!
  • The Kindle version of Michael Jackson's Dangerous Liaisonsby Carl Toms (aka Tom O'Carroll)
    ...included is a new Preface responding to the Leaving Neverland TV documentary....
    Michael Jackson's Dangerous Liaisons is the perfect follow-up to Leaving Neverland.

  • Literature- Resources:
  • Le sexe incertain: La plus vaste enquête jamais réalisée sur la sexualité des adolescents (French)

  • Movies: Actors:
  • Christopher Convery
    Christopher is an American actor known for The Girl in the Spider's Web, Gotham, The Blacklist Redemption and Haters back off.
  • Maxwell Jenkins
    14 year old Chicagoan Maxwell Jenkins is currently starring as Will Robinson in Lost in Space.
  • Lain Armitage
    Iain is an American child actor. He is best known for Young Sheldon, a prequel to the sitcom The Big Bang Theory
  • Gabriel Bateman
    Gabriel plays the role of Wyatt McKenna on the show The Dangerous Book for Boys.
  • Parker Bates
    Parker was born on March 1, 2007.
    He plays the role of young Kevin on the series This Is Us.
  • Adam Mitchell
    Adam Mitchell is known for Beauty and the Beast. He is currently playing Mike Teavee in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the Musical in London's West End.

  • Movies-Coming of Age:
  • Disconnect (2012)
    Coming of age movie with some great boys
  • Whole New Thing
    teen boy lusts after older gay man...

  • Movies: Resources:

    Music-Boys to Men:

  • Les Petits Chanteurs à la Croix de Bois(French)

  • Music-Musicians:

    Personal Sites-BLogs:
  • La faute aux hormones(French)

  • Personal Sites-Pictures:
  • Unforgiven(Linked via a disclaimer)

  • Personal Sites-Videos:


    Resources-Podcasts & Radio:
  • Two-part YouTube video (just over half hour each) in which Tom O'Carroll is interviewed by Australian musician, human rights activist and podcaster on MAP issues John Sydney McNair.
    The John Sydney McNair Show - Tom O'Carroll Part 1
    The John Sydney McNair Show - Tom O'Carroll Part 2

  • MAPs irl Podcast
    Discussion of a variety of MAP-related subjects with various other MAPs on as guests.

  • Resources-Research:
  • Childhood 'Innocence' is Not Ideal: Virtue Ethics and Child–Adult Sex
    Tom O'Carroll, author of Paedophilia: The Radical Case and Michael Jackson's Dangerous Liaisons, tackles philosopher Roger Scruton's conservative stance on sexual ethics head-on. He draws on science's growing understanding of our evolved nature to sketch a vision of the future in which humanity's proven potential for cooperation and peace is allowed to flourish in a context of gentler childhoods, with a significant role for playful intimacy. Predictably anathematised in the religious and alt-right media, this essay has nevertheless already won many thousands of readers.